
The Cuckoo Club is located at Swallow St, Mayfair, London W1B 4EZ, UK

Nights Open

10:30 pm – 3:30 am on Wed – Sat

Does The Cuckoo Club presale tickets?

The Cuckoo Club does not sell presale tickets to the majority of nights. There may be exceptions on holidays and special events. To check if tickets are available, you can go the The Cuckoo Club event calendar.

How do I get into The Cuckoo Club if no tickets are available?

You can use the contact for below to find out more about becoming a member, or you can purchase bottle service to secure a table for you and your guests.

What are the best nights to go to The Cuckoo Club?

Every night offers something unique and special, so there are no bad options. One thing to keep in mind is that weekends will be busier.

What kind of music do they play at The Cuckoo Club?

The Cuckoo Club features mostly hip hop and commercial house music with some house and deep house in a separate area.

What is Discotech?

Discotech is the only promoter you’ll ever need! Check out this video to learn more:

Contact Us About Tickets at The Cuckoo Club